======Adela Sterling Eternity====== =====Hidden Depths===== The Underground – Overground – Principality? - settles, eventually. Aurelia is calmed, Eden and Micah older now (how do they grow so quickly), and when Adela tells her daughter about her plans, she smiles and nods. There is a restlessness in Adela Sterling. Some weight has left her, and with it, an old nature reignited. She travels far from the city in the middle of the desert. She travels without a direction – or at least, she doesn’t believe she has one, but nonetheless it is with a surprising precision that she wanders into a forest. It’s the middle of summer. The hot season, when it is sunniest, and the light of that Sun kisses the tops of the trees with the affection of mother to child. Seasons are still unfamiliar Overground. And then, she wanders out of that copse of trees out to a clearing, and she sees something new. A lake. A big body of water, like a puddle, except it goes on for many miles, stretching to the horizon. The Sun reflects here too, as do the shapes of the trees in the surface of the blue waters; framed by the deep green foliage, the sky and water are made that much brighter. The view is breath taking. Adela smiles. She lingers for a few minutes - after all, she is savouring the view not just for herself, but for those before her, and those who will come after. And then it is time for the next wonder. =====The Clouds===== It's wonderful to see you, dear. I'm glad to hear that you're doing well! You've grown up so much since I last saw you, Micah. Yes, I know I say that every time. What did I see? Well, do you remember those stories I used to tell you, about the lake? What your great-grandmother told me? I finally got to see it. It was so far away, farther than I've travelled before. Did you know they have trains you can sleep on? But it was beautiful. The same blue as the sky, and sparkling in the sunlight. And so peaceful – I could just sit and listen to the water and the wind and the birds all day. What? No, Eden, dear, I still haven't seen any dinosaurs. I'll tell you if I do. I'd love you to come with me next time. You should get to see it too. Even so, it's nice to be back home. ;;# //Written by Liana W.// ;;#