======From the pages of Ludere's leading gazette, Tales of Terminus====== ======The trial of Oak Hansford====== Yesterday, the Director’s Office confirmed there would be a trial surrounding the suspected murder of Carl Shaw. Despite being missing for 3 weeks, they are planning to put Oak Hansford on trial. They claim that since Oak was at the suspicious cave-in that killed Carl (where Oak was performing scheduled maintenance), they are a suspect. Now that they have cleared the rubble, the Director’s Office can officially confirm that Oak is missing, and rather than forming a search party or helping out a member of the Underground in need, they are planning to persecute Oak. Oak is likely somewhere out there in the dark: alone, scared and hungry. We shouldn’t be threatening them with persecution for a crime we have no evidence for, we should be saving him! He is a kind, loving, and sensitive soul who wouldn’t hurt a fly, let alone kill someone! We just want Oak to come back. If you’re reading this Oak, we miss you. Please, come home soon and explain what happened so everything can go back to normal. - Written by Janitor Sky Hansford, loving sibling. =======A bulletin from the Director's Office: Sustainability Drive!====== This one’s in from the Director’s Office, Manager Richard wanted me to let you know of a new sustainability drive to help keep stock-piles from depleting. This includes us trying to reduce the use of; pencils, memory sticks, copper wiring, and wool. The rest of the items can be found on a new list which you can pick up from Manager Richard’s office at any time, he said that if we all put our minds to it he was confident that we can reach the stretch goals to reduce usage by 20%. =======On a noticeboard in Terminus...====== =====Anniversary Week 2: Gratitude===== We’re only two weeks away from our 100th Rescuing Anniversary, where our parents and grandparents were saved from the disaster above by Terminus and the quick thinking of our director. In this week I thought it would be a fun idea to think and share what we are grateful for in Terminus, maybe it’s the garden’s grass in Ludere, the community spirit of Cubile, or the clean water and illuminating electricity from Bibere. Whatever it is hold that in your mind this week and ask others what they are grateful for. - Speaker Leah Dove ======HEALTH AND SAFETY REMINDER====== There has been a noticeable increase in dust and other impurities in the air this past month, and we have been forced to bring the air quality level warning to poor again. So in this situation we will like to remind everyone of the Health and Safety Guidlines associated with these risks: * Those working with Heavy Machinery should wear masks and operate near a fan. * Those on trains in the periphery should wear masks, and encourage passengers to do so. * People are strictly discouraged from travelling periphery tram routes by foot.