======Svetlana Popova (She/Her)====== **Player:** Sofie A. (She/Her) **Job:** Priestess of the Church of the Sun **About:** Svetlana is the high priestess of the Church of the Sun, in which she is the leader and founder. Her holy text, Sanctus Solaris, was spread throughout the Bibere Station where Svetlana was born and raised and within time, a small, cult following was built. She continues to write pamphlets of past sermons, which she gives daily, and reserves Sundays as holy days to spend in prayer to the sun. The Church of the Sun believes in a mythological sun which is a blue and white orb spewing yellow rays and is situated within Earth's atmosphere. The Sun is a sort of deity and a giver of life. Svetlana often refers to it as "The Mother." Additional beliefs which are often debated are the notion that plants are mistreated because they are not fed real sunlight (meaning Svetlana and other members have carnivorous diets) and that the VR skies are blasphemous because they portray fake suns. The Church, in an attempt to gain power and influence, has aligned itself with expansionist notions and Svetlana will occasionally give speeches at protests to keep appearances. Through all the controversy of her religion, she keeps a very calm exterior. **Email:**