======The Underground====== Within the ruins of an abandoned metro, beneath a desolate and dying world, a bastion of hope shines as a testament to humanity's capacity to survive. The Underground, once a simple railway network built for the convenience of [[the_overground|Principium]], is now a hub of life and community, reaching its tendrils out into the dark depths of the earth to provide its inhabitants with the necessities for survival. The colony is split into stations, with each hoping to fulfil a specific need for the community of the Underground, and with reasonable success. However, the living quarters are packed like sardines in places, and the utility sectors bow under the weight of an ever-increasing population, every make-shift building forced to serve a dozen purposes. Tensions grow, and the community in which to house them cannot possibly keep up... One thing is for sure, though: the Underground has only turned into the (mostly) functional mini-city it is today thanks to the collective efforts of the population. Remember, [[the_distaster|we are now the Underground, one for all, and all for one.]]