Edward Murk


Player: Pine B (He/him)

Job: Farm manager/ cult leader

About: Edward Murk is one of the managers of the farms and the vociferously Expansionist nephew of bartender Briana. His establishment one year ago of a rat cult (the Esoteric Order of the Great Rat, to give it its full name) has caused excitement in some and bewilderment in many others. This did not dilute his Expansionism, however, but rather served to fan its flames - for the immediate goal of the Order is now the establishment of rat temples in stations all over the underground, including those enigmatic locations yet to be colonised. Surely a community fully imbued with the grace and subtlety of the Rat would have nothing to fear from such superficially dangerous areas. However, relations have been markedly strained of late between him and Briana. Murk’s creation of what is effectively a strange, extreme faction of Expansionists is seen by many to have caused an unnecessary split; besides which, Briana seems dubious about worshipping a rat. Where this will all end remains to be seen, but it is certain that there will be no rest for the Faithful.

Email: edward_murk@terminus.oxfordrpg.com