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Duncan Vicquemare Eternity

A Fifteen Year Old Goodbye

Some time, perhaps a day, perhaps a week, perhaps a month, on the sandy remains of Principality City, Duncan visits the gravesite of an old friend. Old and withered, the 15 year-old grave of Harrier Humboldt stands. Detective, partner and dearest friend.

Duncan slowly approaches the grave, coat flapping in the mid-evening wind, the remaining detective, now without a partner to investigate with. Without a partner to compare notes with. Without a partner to laugh about the daily occurrences of Terminus with. Duncan sheds a tear, remembering to times that are now long in the past. Remembering the cases they took on with Harrier, T.U.L, C.C.C, T.R, M.D.E and countless others, among the brave expeditions to the outer unmapped tunnels and beyond. Harrier was always so obsessed with getting to the surface, obsessed with finding a way out, finding a way to see the setting sunset.

'And that he accomplished, just not in the way he wanted.' Duncan solemnly mutters to themselves. Harrier wanted to find the truth, only to be punished for it. Shot in the back of the head by the one meant to keep the citizens of the Underground safe and comfortable. Duncan takes out the journal, written in the strange cypher none in the Underground apart from the two detectives know. Except of course, that mysterious individual … Duncan makes a note to pursue that later. For now, they take the journal, and bury it, shallowly next to the grave. For all of the investigating he's done, Harrier deserves to have this back. Next, Duncan takes their signature hat, one they would always wear, no one in the Underground ever caught them without it, now with a slightly ridiculous feathery addition on its side. They take it, and lay it next to the gravestone. As the sun sets on the sandy Overground, the lone detective walks off, having said their goodbye.

There is only one person to blame for this. Only one. Avgust. Avgust Kovač. Duncan goes back to the old dusty remains of Briana's Bar, one which they will rebuild in her honour. Better and grander than ever. They scheme, frustratingly scribbling in their old black notebook. Sentenced to spend an eternity in the underground?

Not enough.

Duncan spends time observing, noting down everything. Schedule, patterns, who is around zir, everything. A voice. In the head, screaming, muttering, from all angles, all directions. 'Avgust thinks zie can get away with it? Everything zie has done? Send YOU on a WILD GOOSE CHASE FOR 15 YEARS???! No. You must do this Vicquemare. If justice is not done, you will enact it yourself.' Duncan rummages through the bar, finding their implement of choice. Perhaps it is a knife. Or a broken bottle, glass as sharp as ever. It doesn't matter. After all, they are not aiming to get away with it.

They set out. Out of the comforts of the bar and Ludere station. Calmly walking, striding even. With confidence, they hide the knife in the cuff of their coat. Simple motion, slide, stab, twist. With so many murders solved, enacting one shouldn't be too much of an issue. Duncan arrives, waiting at their point of choice, one that the former Director frequents. Waiting. And waiting. Patiently waiting. Avgust should be here any second. A figure in the shadows, way off in the distance, walking. Keeping a steady pace. Duncan waits for the right moment, hand slightly shaking. The cold steel of the knife rubbing against their flesh. The figure passes. It is now or never. Duncan leaps out of their hiding place, ready to commit vengeance. To do what Avgust has done to Harrier those 15 years ago.

It is not Avgust.

Rather, the face of someone familiar. Or as familiar as one can get, not seeing their partner in 15 years. The slightly crooked glasses. The ever familiar bomber jacket, one that Harrier was so proud of. Wore it everywhere he did. He looks down, meeting Duncan's eyes as they reach for their concealed weapon.

'Oh Duncan, I always did tell you, two sets of eyes are always needed, for when the first set of eyes misses something. And if you take eye for an eye, how many do you have left?'. Duncan takes a wild step back, astonished. They mean to call out, say anything, anything to their old partner. But no words come out to express the flurry of emotions. 'There are plenty of mysteries left to be solved, Detective Duncan Vicquemare. Don't waste it on this. After all, a detective is needed on the scene.'

Duncan blinks, and the figure of Harrier is gone. They ponder for a minute. With a renewed determination, they know what they have to do now. Duncan turns, and makes their way back to Ludere Station. On the way, they pass the bin. That thing. The bin they kicked so many times when failing, took out so much frustration on when they couldn't connect the dots, solve their cases. After so much angry kicking, the bin is in the middle of falling apart. Duncan grabs the knife from their coat and in one swift motion chucks it in that bin. They will not be needing that anymore. A detective is meant to solve murders, not cause them. And as Harrier said, a detective is certainly needed on the scene.

Written by Kamil M.

The Case of the Cryptic Cypher - The Best Selling Children's Book

Like the end of all good adventures with Duncan, they must always end up at home; Briana’s Bar.

When Duncan opens the door he sees many friends inside, there’s Adela talking to Kurson, Katrina is pouring Lottie a drink, and Cruciver is trying to stack as many coasters on top of each other as possible.

“Hello detective Duncan!” They all say as Duncan walks in.

With a big yawn and stretch, Detective Duncan takes off his coat and goes behind the bar. Another case solved, now time for some joy in leisure.

“So what did you discover today Duncan?” Asks Cruciver.

“Well who would have thought it.” Says Duncan to Cruciver, “after all this time Nina was the one who wrote all those messages in the cypher. They certainly had us guessing for a while. Is anyone else up stairs?”

“There are a lot of new Overgrounders visiting the area, many of them are in the bar you built!” Adela replies.

So Duncan gets into the lift and after a few seconds walks out into the Overground part of the Bar, where he sees all manner of strange people from distant lands.

“What do you think, Harrier? Do you reckon that these people have some interesting stories or mysteries needed solving?” Says Duncan to Harrier the Cat.

“Meow.” Says Harrier in response.

“Ha ha, Harrier you always know the best things to say.”

Did you enjoy ‘The Case of the Cryptic Cypher’? Then you may also enjoy other titles from ‘The Adventures of Detective Duncan and Harrier the Cat’ including:

’The Case of the Cryptic Cypher’ and all other books in the series ‘The Adventures of Detective Duncan and Harrier the Cat’ are trademarks of Seydin Publishing house. All characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of Seydin Publishing House. This material is protected under copyright laws. Any reproduction or unauthorised use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Seydin Publishing House.