Table of Contents

Uptime and Sessions

Sessions of Terminus will be held in St John's in Larkin Room on Tuesday evenings every other week, starting from third week of Michaelmas 2023 (24th of October). We will be starting at 19:00 with a short briefing before time in.

During sessions you will be live-action roleplaying your character in real time. What this means is that, for the most part, everything that you act out is something that your character is actually doing – that could be chatting, dancing, plotting in a corner, or making a proposal.

Props and costume are completely optional, though we encourage you to dress up if you want.

If you know ahead of time that you’re likely to miss a session, please let us know either via email or Discord so that we can plan ahead and let other players know that you won’t be there. Emails and turnsheets will still be available even if you miss a session.


There are calls used within Society Games to indicate certain things during time-in.

Time In: This is used by GMs to announce the beginning of the session, or resuming after a time freeze, to announce that it is time to switch into character.

Time Freeze: This is used by GMs to interrupt roleplaying during session.

Time Out: This is used by the GMs to announce the end of the session and that it is time to drop out of character.

The OC Gesture: Pointing upwards with the index and middle fingers, this is used by players and GMs to show that they are temporarily dropping out of character. This may be to ask a question OC, to pass through the playing space unimpeded, or even for GMs to listen in on secret conversations (this last one is off-limits for players). When someone is doing this, it may indicate that their character is not there.

Fighting and physical contact

Physical contact IC should always be negotiated OC first (e.g. “Is it alright if I hold your hand?”). Any fighting should not take place in uptime.


GMs will be more than happy to answer any questions you might have for them in uptime, but please be aware that we may be busy with other players or even need to consult our notes/the other GMs before we can give you an answer.