
Example Characters

OC Name: Alex
OC Pronouns: He/him

Character Name: Lawrence
Job Title (if applicable): Train driver
Character Pronouns: He/him

What does your character’s day-to-day look like in the Underground?: I drive trains. When people need to go anywhere, I'm there. It's certainly not the most thankful job in the underground, but we all have to do our bit. I'm one of the earliest to rise, and one of the latest to bed, as people always need to make their way about the station, and I know I wouldn't want to walk along those rails when a train could be coming down any second.
Who is your character close to, if anyone?: Everyone! The stuff you hear being a train driver, I could tell a million stories about everyone in here. I think that's why I get along so well with those folks who run the newspaper, they'll ride with me all day just to hear me talk and scribble everything down, ain't they nice folk?
What’s their favourite spot in the Underground?: Need I say more? The smooth buzz as the trains glide along the tracks, oh boy I'd even sleep there if they let me put my bed there! Darn the Director's health and safety regulations.

Skilled (+), I'm real good at driving trains; Observant (+), the gossip you hear driving trains; Reputation (-) I annoyed the expansionsists after I refused to take them to distant stations “for the good of the Underground”, all sounded a bit suspicious to me, Phobia (-) Redundancy, what if one day, people don't need my trains anymore? What will I be then, what happens if we move back overground… ; Scheduler (+), I drive trains; Prioritiser (+), if it comes down to it, I'll be the one driving the last train in the Underground.

Private Bio:
My name is Lawrence, and I'm scared. The Expansionists keep on wanting to expand, try to discover different stations, expand the underground. What if.. when people leave, they aren't gonna want to come back to Terminus any time soon. But I like it here, I like the atmosphere, I like feeling like I belong. Without these trains… who am I? The Stagnationists have it right, we should be content with what we have and not risk all our safety. The more risks we take, the more chance something happens to the trains… the more chance I become redundant. It's hard to find a belonging down here in the Underground. There's so little to do, especially when the old folk tell us about everything you could do up there. But I've found my thing, and I'm not gonna let go of my passion anytime soon.

Public Bio:
The name is Lawrence. I drive trains. Ain't too much more to say. If you need to get anywhere, I'm your guy. Driving day and night, I reckon I'm the best driver down here. Who knows, I might even give you a discount if you give up some interesting gossip…

OC Notes to GMs: OC, I want to rp Lawrence losing control of the trains, and learning who he is past his occupation.

OC Name: Sarah B.
OC Pronouns: they/them

Character Name: Trinity Park
Job Title (if applicable): Teacher-in-training
Character Pronouns: She/they

What does your character’s day-to-day look like in the Underground?: Wake up. Clear away my things in Cubile to accommodate the children. Have a meeting with the Headteacher. Teach. Clear away the school to make room for Cubicle. Go to the Market to make sure we have what we need. Sleep. Repeat.
Who is your character close to, if anyone?: The Headteacher is mentoring me. My family…don't think my job is the most useful, so I'm not close to them anymore.
What’s their favourite spot in the Underground?: Terminus, after the town meetings finish and before the markets have a chance to set up. It's so peaceful.

Quirks: Relationship (+), good friends with the headteacher, Reputation (-) with the Stagnationists, they've started to recognise I'm an Expansionist. Romance Me (0). Mind Control (0). Make Me Cry (0). More Gore (0). Make It Interesting (0).
Private Bio: As a teacher, Trinity experiences first-hand just how problematic the lack of space and resources is for the coming generation. She's been harbouring expansionist sympathies for a while now.
Public Bio: Trinity is a young schoolteacher, quite focused and strict (which maybe makes her a little awkward). Nonetheless, they're always willing to help others in the Underground and keen to solve the issues of limited space…

OC Notes to GMs:

  • sample_characters.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/10/16 20:59
  • by gm_ace