
When and Where

Terminus will be held over 7 sessions during Michaelmas (2023) and Hilary (2024) terms, taking place on alternate Tuesday evenings from 19:00 to 22:00 (7pm to 10pm). Additionally, there will be a Character Creation session on Tuesday of week 2, and a Debrief session at the end of Hilary term.

It will take place in St John's college, Oxford. We will meet at the main entrance on St Giles' (see bottom of page). We'll wait for people to gather at the front entrance before moving to the room, but message a GM (via Discord is probably best) if you arrive late and can't get in.

Session Oxford Week Date Location
Character Creation Tuesday, Week 2 Michaelmas 17th of October Larkin Room, St John's College and online, on Discord
Session 1 Tuesday, Week 3 Michaelmas 24th of October Prestwich Room, St John's College
Session 2 Tuesday, Week 5 Michaelmas 7th of November Prestwich Room, St John's College
Session 3 Tuesday, Week 7 Michaelmas 21st of November Larkin Room, St John's College
Session 4 Tuesday, Week 1 Hilary 16th of January Larkin Room, St John's College
Session 5 Tuesday, Week 3 Hilary 30th of January Larkin Room, St John's College
Session 6 Tuesday, Week 5 Hilary 13th of February Larkin Room, St John's College
Session 7 Tuesday, Week 7 Hilary 27th of February Larkin Room, St John's College
Debrief Tuesday, Week 8 Hilary 5th of March Larkin Room, St John's College

In character, the sessions represent characters meeting weekly in Terminus Station.

Location of the St John's entrance:

  • when_and_where.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/01/09 15:29
  • by gm_konstantine