
At 9:50pm at the most recent town hall meeting, Briana Morgan was pronounced dead by myself, Dr Hazel. Immediately after the meeting, an autopsy was carried out with the help of Dr Promethea. This report summarizes our findings.


Briana Morgan



Contents in Blood:

There was a large quantity of a toxic substance in her blood. It was a mixture of different compounds. Alongside this, we found that Briana’s hormone levels were consistent with someone in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Chemical breakdown of poison:

  • A solvent, most likely alcohol.
  • Toxic inorganic salts, obtainable from any industrial station.
  • Various organics to allow ingestion, notably gentian, only publicly grown on Terra farms.

Marks and wounds:

There were no notable marks or wounds on Briana’s body.

Probable cause of death:

Poison, most likely ingested within 4 hours of death.

Extra notes:

Briana Morgan was pregnant at the time of death. From further examination, it is reasonable to conclude it was late on in the first trimester. It is my medical opinion that Briana would’ve only recently found out herself, and so it is unlikely it had any impact, directly or indirectly, on her death. (OC: You may take this as fact that Briana’s death was unrelated to her being pregnant)

Report written by Dr Hazel. Autopsy performed by Dr Hazel and Dr Promoethea. Body has been handed over to Ash Burrows in the morgue.

  • autopsy.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/01/16 16:15
  • by gm_ace