
Duncan Vicquemare

Player: Kamil M (They/Them)

Job: Bartender’s Apprentice/ Private Investigator

About: Need something looked at, something found, something *discovered* that maybe shouldn't be? If you do, you've found the right investigator and I'll be happy to help, for a reasonable fee of course but don't worry, the payment can be flexible. Duncan Vicquemare here, working straight out of Briana's Bar in Ludere Station. Being a fellow apprentice of Briana means I'll probably never be anywhere else, unless it's doing a little bit of investigation in the unmapped tid bits of the Underground of course. So drop by, have a little friendly conversation about work, politics, maybe even some gossip?

Email: duncan_vicquemare@terminus.oxfordrpg.com

  • duncan_vicquemare.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/10/24 00:07
  • by gm_konstantine