
Notices from Caput

In light of the recent conflict at Terminus, denizens of the Underground are once again encouraged to stick close to one another and reside in the appropriate temporary accomodations, namely Nocturne, Aurum, and Bibliotheca Stations.

The Office strives to keep the Underground united.

One for all, and all for one.

The Director's Office.

Tales of Terminus

[CW: Mentions of a pandemic.]

This report is being published by Medicus with the aim of spreading awareness of the current health situation afflicting our community, it does not intend to fear monger or spread misinformation and consists of up to date evidence coming directly from Medical Research and Reports. All this information has been approved by both Doctor Hazel and Doctor Delphinium.

In recent weeks there have been a number of patients within Medicus that have been displaying concerning manifestations of an unknown disease that we now believe to be a pandemic, plaguing society. It is a necrotic infection of the bones leading to weakness, exhaustion and ease of fracture- in short any minimal stress on the bones of those that are infected can cause severe breakages. It also damages the body, leading to general ill health and wastage. This parasitic infection was first isolated in a chasm and has been spreading rapidly through the train drivers, miners and couriers, suggesting that it is prevalent specifically on the fringes of the stations, in the tunnels. However, it may also transmit between people so anyone in society could be afflicted. With Medicus essentially disbanded it is impossible to know how many people are infected or how rapidly it is spreading through society. In order to keep yourselves safe please wear safety measures when in public spaces, keep away from other citizens as much as possible and practice good cleanliness practices such as handwashing frequently.

Thank you for your cooperation and stay safe.

The Hero of Medicus

The following is a series of messages sent in by the patients of the Medicus Serious Injuries Ward for publication.

“I want the whole Underground to know that Enforcer Fatima is a hero. She saved my daughter’s life. I will never be able to repay her, and I’ll never say a bad word of the Enforcers again.”

“Kurson barged into the room covered in blood, had these two knives out and frothing at the mouth, and I was wetting myself with terror and then suddenly she was there, and pow, wham, kabam! She kicked him right through the door and out of the ward! It was so cool!”

“I just hope she pulls through. She saved my life… I don’t want that to cost hers. I just want to be able to thank her.”

“I always thought the Enforcers were, like, fascist dicks. I mean, I still think they’re fascist dicks, but I’m glad they’re our fascist dicks.”

Our ancestors once feared a day when machine intelligence would outstrip their own, when they would face extinction at the hands of our own creations. In such a large world they saw such an eventuality as a foregone conclusion.

While the Calamity may have forestalled this fate, we once again are on the precipice of annihilation. PRINCESS, an artificial intelligence surpassing our own abilities. The catastrophes at Bibere, Providere, Artifex, Cubile, Obscurus Interchange and now Terminus where machines slaughtered humans. These so-called “War Dogs”: machines made not as tools but as thinking weapons. The cult of machine worshippers mutilating themselves in Servus to better serve PRINCESS.

Enough is enough. We must stop this now, before it is too late. We must destroy PRINCESS. We must destroy the War Dogs. If we cannot find a way to prevent them from harming humans we must destroy the other robots as well.

It will be difficult to live without the comforts machine servants have afforded us, but it is a burden we must shoulder, a burden we are strong enough to shoulder. For thousands of years we survived without them, we can do so again.

Those machines killed my husband. They killed the man I loved. I do not write this for Sam’s memory though: I write it for the daughter I fear they will take from me next.

Minnow Caspian

The engineers of Mechanus would like to request that disturbances to their facility’s normal functioning be minimized wherever possible.

The Director’s Office would like to remind logisticians of the need for scheduling the deliveries of food to the temporary accommodation at Nocturne and Amarum.

Any logisticians who have checked out robots should return them as soon as convenient due to an ongoing shortage.

If any logisticians require the use of the newly acquired Roadrunner they should contact Logistician Fyn Turau.

Unfortunately the temporary accommodation in Obscurus Interchange needed to be vacated on short notice due to health and safety concerns. We once again request all logisticians make sure to have completed their risk assessments before programming heavy machinery.

But the lights in the Underground stay on.

La Résistance

A newspaper of unclear authorship that appears to be published in the people’s republic of Vicus and Viculus.

Comrades! Agents of the Director’s Office are believed to be acting within the Repulic! Trying to return us to the Director’s authoritarian despotism. We must act now to purge ourselves of these backwards influences. If you see any suspicious activity please report it directly to Representative Carlene.

Together we can make the Republic pure and beautiful.

Director Avgust Kovač is not just a liar and incompetent, zie is deadly. Following communication with Elias Shaw and Alexis Knight this week, I can confirm that the Bibere incident was not the direct fault of the enforcers at Bibere, but instead of the robots. You may then think the Republic is at fault. But this is not the case. The robots were sent here by an annoynmous contact within the DO. Elias Shaw revealed that this contact modified the robots to be excessively aggressive and attack on sight. The name of this contact? Elias Shaw can confirm it himself, it was none other than Director Kovač. He sent the robots to Bibere and spark an outcry zie would then use to spark hatred against the Republic. Need I remind you it was only last week that he was calling for the death penalty? If the Director remains in power, I fear not only for the Republic, but the safety of everyone in the underground.

Please, citizens of the Underground, stand up to Avgust.

Representative Carlene

Rat Fanciers Weekly

A magazine on patrat care and competition that has become increasingly political with the emergence of the Den of The Sacred Rat.

Despite the Director’s Office’s attempts to exterminate us we have survived. What have their efforts done but brought ruinous conflict to both of us.

However, like the rat, we must forgive and forget those who bite us, for they know not what they do.

We invite everyone of any faith or none to join us in prayer for peaceful rapprochement between the Director’s Office and The Den of the Sacred Rat. All we wish to do is live harmoniously and be allowed to practice our faith unmolested.

  • news/turn6.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/02/13 11:05
  • by gm_conor_w