
List Of The Dead:

  • Brown, Glamour, Farm Technician
  • Caspian, Sam
  • Caspian, Blenny
  • Castle, Kristine, Logistician
  • Faust, Lisa, Enforcer
  • Hansford, Sky, Reporter
  • Heckle, Sophie
  • Keifer, Bert, Reclaimer
  • Kovač, Silvester, Robotics Engineer
  • Morgan, Brianna, Bartender
  • Neumann, Molly
  • Pavone, Syvine, Excavator
  • Popova, Svetlana, Priestess
  • Preston, Wyatt, Jr Enforcer
  • Roth, Jules, Scientist
  • Sabel, Corbin, Farmer
  • Shaw, Carl, Computer Scientist
  • Vertha, Jr Enforcer

Many other names besides are listed on the walls of the Underground. It is as haunting as it is beautiful.

Tales of Terminus

Someone is still compiling the submissions. Or perhaps multiple someones; either way, some news is published in Ludere.

This is a thank you to those who have kept the Underground working these past few weeks.

Stallholder Adela, Couriers Ninator, Cruciver, and Tilly, Archivist Elias, Oak Hansford, Old Archie; your help and care will never be forgotten.

We can't do more for you all right now, but know that your efforts are deeply appreciated by all of us. Words cannot express how much it means to us.

Many names are listed at the bottom, signatures. The count is probably equal to a significant proportion of the refugees in Terminus and Bibliotheca.

This week, we voted to support an expedition to the Overground.

For a century we have hidden from the poison sky, survived here safe within our armor of stone.

But, is that true? Doubts have been raised. Perhaps the sky is not choked by nuclear ash? Perhaps we have been lied to. Perhaps the stone is not an armor but a cage.

A few brave individuals have volunteered to go above ground, to discover the truth, whatever it might be. Will their findings transform our understanding of our past and present, or will they confirm what we had for so long accepted, that our world is a small and fragile one. Whatever may come they have undertaken this difficult journey at great personal risk and because of that, whatever tidings they bear they will return as heroes of the Underground.

Let us pray they come back safe.

- The Underground

Almost had you there, right? Well, this isn't a notice from Caput, but the latest scoop - a reliable informant can tell you that the Director's Office is currently abuzz with talk of a new Director. Sorely needed, if you ask me. But at this point, little more is known. Is Caput destined to be as opaque about their work practices as ever? We could have a new Director by now, and no one would know!

The toilet roll shortage is now at critical levels. We urge everyone to make sure to use what little remains as efficiently as possible!

We urge those in the residential areas it travels through not to attempt to chase the Roadrunner, as it may take routes with precipitous falls that it can leap and you can not.

The Employee of the Month award for January goes to Heather Clef for her outstanding maintenance work. In unrelated news we would request that Heather Clef file a detailed report on where exactly the radioactive materials formerly in Requiem are now.

We would like to thank the logisticians for their diligent attention in supplying the needs of those currently in temporary accommodation.

And still, the lights in the Underground remain on.

P.S. Fuck you Kurson Castle. Do you have any idea how difficult you make my job? Seriously, why am I still writing up these stupid reports?

I quit!

La Resistance

First, I give my thanks to the Republic. When I was elected, our borders were being threatened, and the Director's Office had been starving us for weeks. Now, we have been well fed for weeks, with a sustainable food source thanks to Amandine, and our borders are finally starting to look safe now that problems have been dealt with. Whilst there is much more uncertainty in the future, I have no doubt that the Republic will only thrive from now on.

That is why I am both happy and sad to announce I am stepping down. I was elected as a wartime leader. Cruel and merciless, but always willing to put the Republic first. I will be honest: it was difficult. I had to be a villain, I had to lie, and I had to scheme. But it was all for the good of the Republic. I don't doubt that others may have done a prettier job, but others may have also let the Director's Office have their will on squashing the Republic. I have no greater legacy to leave behind than my beautiful Republic.

Now wartime is hopefully over, and you all need a more diplomatic leader. One who can establish long term friendships and alliances, not one who can twist them against each other for short term gain. It is time for the Republic to move on. And it is time for me to finally be a grieving parent.

-Carlene Vanbend, representative of the People's Republic.

Vaccines! Get your vaccines! Promethea has been working herself down to the bone to get her vaccines ready for everyone. There's been enough going on these past few weeks. Too much. Please, spare an emergency trip to Medicus and get the vaccine.

Despite attempts to blockade the distribution efforts, Promethea and Old Archie managed to produce a large amount of the vaccine that should be enough to give to anyone in the underground. It is not a cure, we don't have one of those. All the more reason to get the vaccine!

These past few weeks, we've been overwhelmed. We've been sieged, locked out of our own homes and work, had to dance amongst fire and robots just to do our job, and I've had to personally call too many families with bad news… [something was written here, but it's been scribbled out]

Please, get the vaccine.

-Dr Hazel, on behalf of Medicus.

Yet again, the central dormitory stations have suffered massive projected losses as another violent attack is reported. With no culprits and no solid count of the injured and dead as of yet, this report cannot give further information.

Stay safe.


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  • news/turn7.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/02/27 09:28
  • by gm_konstantine