Ninator 'Nina' Kermada

Player: Matt S. (He/they)

Job: Courier

About: Ninator Kermada ('Nina' to most, 'N' to a few) is a 29-year old courier who lives in Nidus Station. A crossword enthusiast, Nina is often found scribbling down anagrams and cryptic comments, always looking for inspiration for his next puzzle.

One of the first things most people will notice about Nina is that he is missing an eye. Although he doesn't like to talk about it, it's common knowledge that he was struck down by a tram when he was a teenager, and lost his eye in the process. This devolved into a life-long fear of trams and trains, for which Nina is perhaps best known.

Despite his trauma, Nina is kind, helpful and approachable, even if they are a little reserved. They're always happy to lend a hand, deliver a letter, or even… move a little contraband, if you should so wish. As long as there are no trains involved, Nina will be more than happy to assist.


  • nina_kermada.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/10/24 00:11
  • by gm_konstantine